
In this article on Medium I explored a simple set of steps that we can use to deploy our Java code as AWS lambda function using GraalVM native image. As I mentioned in that article I am excited about all the new features Java is now receiving and was thinking whether it’s already the right time for me to switch Java as a default language for AWS Lambda. Previously the response to such question was - there are much faster languages for Lambdas, because Java was notorious for its long cold start. GraalVM Native Image allows us to resolve this issue by building a native image that does not need JVM to execute java code. So I was curious how short would be the cold start could be in such cases:

  • using simple java code in JVM runtime in AWS Lambda
  • using java code packaged as a Docker container
  • using java code packaged as Native Image produced by GraalVm

Let’s dive into the numbers and see how GraalVM impacts cold start performance.


All lambdas used in this article are:

  • use java 17
  • created by SAM CLI
  • measurements are based on response time provided by Postman
  • code is pretty simple and does the same stuff

Statistics itself as a conclusion

I have conducted a series of experiments and noted those response times: Statistics of cold starts

And here is char to visualise this statistics: img.png As you can see on the chart lambda that uses Native Image has approximately 2,8 times shorter response time, which is already a great improvement and gives hope for Java to become more attractive option for serverless solutions from now on.
