Spring news

Spring One conference

Three days starting from Monday Spring guys conducted Spring One Conference. We can already watch talks from the conference on Spring’s Youtube channel.

Structured logging

Starting from Spring Boot 3.4 structured logging feature will be provided out of the box, all we need to do to start using it is enable it

      console: ecs // or logstash or your formatter class

Here is the article that announces support and here is the documentation. This is a convenience feature, because now we have structured logging supported out of he box and it already has two popular formats Elastic Common Schema and Logstash and still is very flexible by providing possibility to define your own format.

ClassDataSharing Support in Spring Boot 3.3

In this article SĂ©bastien Deleuze describes new feature in Spring Boot - support of CDS (ClassDataSharing) in Spring Boot 3.3. CDS technology allows us to improve startup time of the application without involving native images by conducting a training run on a virtual machine that will host running application. To support this Spring team provides Self-extracting executable JAR and in collaboration with Buildpacks they provide an integrated support that automates manual steps.

Traditional weekly update from InfoQ

In this article from InfoQ new releases are highlighted:

  • numerous releases in Spring ecosystem
  • major release of MicroProfile 7.0
  • maintenance, fixes and improvements in new Quarkus release, Helidon, Infinispan, JHipster
  • new minor version of Kotlin
