AWS announced moving AWS SDK (version 1.x) for Java to maintenance mode

According to this article AWS is moving Java AWS SDK version 1.x into maintenance mode which basically means that:

  • until the end of 2025 it will provide critical bugfixes and security vulnerabilities fixes
  • since 2026 it will completely stop any updates

AWS encourages Java developers to switch to AWS SDK version 2.x Here is the it’s Github repository

Java startup time maybe improved even more

Infoworld’s article informs that recently JEP 483 was updated. This proposal is about improving startup time of Java applications by introducing Ahead of time loading and linking of classes. Suggestion is to achieve this by using a cache which has state of previous startups.

Improve maven build speed

An interesting article from Picnic developer that describes results of their investigation around making their builds faster. One pretty easy to use hint is to use mvnd - maven deamon which runs on the background (thus almost immediately available after first run) which executes command in parallel manner. To install Maven Deamon I use sdkman. Article also talks about other approach like using Maven Build Cache extension - which allows to scope build process only to those parts that need to be rebuilt. We as developers have to configure it properly to make sure that all the important changes are considered in caching strategy to make sure we do not reuse cached version while it is already changed. Please refer to this page as starting point. This technique saved Picnic developers 90% of build times (in the best case, but still quite impressive)!


Recent video on SpringDeveloper youtube channel where Josh Long goes through an example of what Spring + Thymeleaf + HTMX are capable of together. It’s pretty interesting what we can do with it. Info about HTMX
